Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 to 30HP 2-stroke
- 6L2-45611-00 / 65W-45611-00
How do I find my propeller references ?
Use our propeller search engine based on brand, power, but also propeller diameter and pitch.
On your old propeller, you should be able to find numbers, here is what they correspond to :
2 numbers with this format : 14X21
- The 1st number "14" is the propeller diameter
- The 2nd "21" is the propeller pitchThe 2nd "21" is the propeller pitch
3 numbers with this format : 3X13X21
- The 1st number "3" is the number of blades
- The 2nd number "13" is the propeller diameter
- The last number "21" is the propeller pitch
For more information on propellers, see our guide HERE
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Availability date:
Propeller shaft Yamaha 2-stroke
OEM part number : 6L2-45611-00 / 65W-45611-00
Compatibilities :
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke 20MLHU 1996
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke 20MLHV 1997
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke 20MSHU 1996
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LMHB 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LMHB 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LMHB 2020
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LMHB 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWB 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWB 2020
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWHB 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWHB 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWHB 2020
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWHB 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWPB 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWPB 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWPB 2020
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWPB 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWPHB 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWPHB 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20LWPHB 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SMHB 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SMHB 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SWB 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SWB 2020
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SWHB 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SWHB 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SWHB 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SWPB 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha 20 HP 2-stroke F20SWPB 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELD 1990
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELF 1989
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELG 1988
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELH 2008
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELH 2009
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELHP 1991
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELHQ 1992
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELHR 1993
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELHT 1995
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELHU 1996
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELHV 1997
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELHW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELHX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELR 2005
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELR 2007
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELRP 1991
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELRQ 1992
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELRR 1993
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELRS 1994
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELRV 1997
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELRW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ELRX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESD 1990
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESF 1989
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESG 1988
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESH 2005
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESH 2007
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESHP 1991
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESHQ 1992
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESHR 1993
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESHV 1997
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESHW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESHX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESR 2006
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25ESR 2008
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25LD 1990
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25LF 1989
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25LG 1988
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLH 2005
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLH 2007
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLH 2008
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHKZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHP 1991
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHQ 1992
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHR 1993
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHS 1994
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHT 1995
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHU 1996
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHU2 1996
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHV2 1997
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHY 2000
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MLHZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSH 2007
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHB 2003
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHC 2004
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHKZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHP 1991
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHQ 1992
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHR 1993
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHT 1995
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHU 1996
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHU2 1996
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHV2 1997
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHY 2000
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25MSHZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25SD 1990
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25SF 1989
Propeller shaft Yamaha 25 HP 2-stroke 25SG 1988
Propeller shaft Yamaha 30 HP 2-stroke C30ELRR 1993
Propeller shaft Yamaha 30 HP 2-stroke C30ELRS 1994
Propeller shaft Yamaha 30 HP 2-stroke C30ELRT 1995
Propeller shaft Yamaha 30 HP 2-stroke C30ELRU 1996
Propeller shaft Yamaha 30 HP 2-stroke C30ELRV 1997
Propeller shaft Yamaha 30 HP 2-stroke C30MLHS 1994
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELHA 2002
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELHW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELHX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELHY 2000
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELHZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELR 2005
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELRA 2002
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELRB 2003
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELRD 2005
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELRW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELRX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELRY 2000
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ELRZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ESHA 2002
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ESHW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ESHX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ESHY 2000
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ESHZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ESRA 2002
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ESRB 2003
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25ESRZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LA 2012
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LA 2017
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LA 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LC 2016
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LC 2017
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LC 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LEA 2010
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LEA 2013
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LEA 2014
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LEA 2016
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LEA 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LEHA 2011
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LEHB 2014
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LEHB 2016
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHA 2009
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHA 2010
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHA 2011
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHB 2012
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHB 2013
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHB 2016
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHB 2017
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHC 2017
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHC 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LMHC 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LWC 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LWC 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LWC 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LWTC 2016
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LWTC 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LWTC 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LWTC 2020
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25LWTC 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MLHA 2002
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MLHD 2005
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MLHX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MLHY 2000
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MLHZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MSH 2005
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MSHA 2002
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MSHD 2005
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MSHX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MSHY 2000
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25MSHZ 2001
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEA 2010
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEA 2011
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEA 2013
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEA 2014
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEA 2016
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEA 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEHA 2010
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEHA 2013
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEHA 2015
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEHA 2016
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SEHA 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SMHA 2010
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SMHA 2011
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SMHA 2014
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SMHC 2016
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SMHC 2017
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SMHC 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SMHC 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SWC 2019
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SWC 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SWHC 2018
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25SWHC 2021
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25TLRA 2002
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25TLRB 2003
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25TLRW 1998
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25TLRX 1999
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25TLRY 2000
Propeller shaft Yamaha F25TLRZ 2001
30,45 €
30,45 €
30,45 €
30,45 €
30,45 €
30,45 €
101,88 € 128,88 €
198,73 € 236,73 €
198,73 € 236,73 €
198,73 € 236,73 €
198,73 € 236,73 €
198,73 € 236,73 €
198,73 € 236,73 €
199,13 € 228,13 €
199,13 € 228,13 €
199,13 € 228,13 €
257,78 € 321,78 €
257,78 € 321,78 €
257,78 € 321,78 €
* Price recommended by our suppliers
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